2023 December Release
Updated this week

Boost ROAS calculation with K-factor*

Get a more accurate ROAS calculation to include k-factor by distributing organic revenue into each campaign based on their attributed installs.

Tip: Use this to recalculate ROAS for Google iOS for better campaign performance!

Analyse A/B tests better with more metrics

Compare key metrics that are important to you without the noise. Get focused and waste no time when analysing your variants performance.

Who should use this: Product team

Revenue metrics in Account Report

Build your own report with newly added revenue metrics - Acc. Ad Revenue, Acc. IAP Revenue, ROI, Profit and more!

Tip: Customise to see revenue and spend by active user, and calculate profit by using Ad/IAP Revenue (active users)

Extend invite to your Monetisation team

Get your monetisation team to dig deeper into UA data and performance of mediation A/B testing with access to Cost Center's Campaign Center and Mediation A/B Testing.

Who should use this: Monetisation team

Better UX: Auto-linking data connectors

Cost Center will now auto-link the data sources to your respective apps without having the extra step to connect them!

Who should use this: Everyone who is setting up data connectors

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